Thursday, August 26, 2010

iPad and other technology we may or not need.

As it relates to production, few other topics have as much angst attached to them. Blackberry or iPhone, PC or Mac (why spend the extra dollars on a Mac), Film or Digital - what flavour even, etc., etc. We are not cutting babies in half here, but Solomon wouldn't want to get into the middle of these arguments.

This may be surprising to a lot of People but I don't have a strong opinion either way - just pick the right tool for the job, there is no single solution. So, in that vein I suggest a problem and solution approach. Some based on discussions I have had with others and some more theoretical. Each week a Problem (or Opportunity, as an old boss used to say) and a solution or two based on available technology. Oh, included will be the somewhat insane roadblocks that get thrown up along the way by others based on fear, loathing and misunderstanding.

Reading that sentence back suggests that I may be have an opinion about the insane angle - come on, you would be worried if I didn't try to throw one in somewhere.

Okay, so come back - hopefully once a week (or so) and see what comes of this. And yes, I have blocked your ability to send in your own thoughts and ideas - there is only so much criticism one man can take.
